Immersive audio and video call

In what is claimed to be a giant leap in voice calls, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark made a phone call using a new technology called ‘immersive audio and video’ that improves the quality of a call with three-dimensional sound, making interactions more lifelike, the company stated in a release on Monday.

“We have demonstrated the future of voice calls,” said Lundmark, who was also present in the room when the first 2G call was made in 1991.

The call was enabled by the new Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS) codec technology which is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard. The IVAS codec allows consumers to hear sound spatially in real-time instead of today’s monophonic smartphone voice call experience. Lundmark demonstrated the distinctive acoustic dimensions that can be experienced with the new IVAS technology to Lindström while calling him from Nokia’s campus in Espoo.

Lundmark demonstrated the distinctive acoustic dimensions that can be experienced with the new IVAS technology to Lindström while calling him from Nokia’s campus in Espoo.

Current smartphone calls are monophonic which compresses audio elements together and sound flatter and less detailed, but the new technology will bring 3D audio where a caller will hear everything as if they were there with the other person. “It is the biggest leap forward in the live voice calling experience since the introduction of monophonic telephony audio used in smartphones and PCs today,” said Jenni Lukander, president of Nokia Technologies.

The call was held with Stefan Lindström, Finland’s Ambassador of Digitalisation and New Technologies. “This is now becoming standardised … so the network providers, chipset manufacturers, handset manufacturers can begin to implement it in their products,” Lukander said, according to reports.

Nokia made the call using a regular smartphone over a public 5G network. Apart from person to person immersive calls, this can be used in conference calls where voices of participants can be separated based on their spatial locations, said Jyri Huopaniemi, head of audio research at Nokia Technologies. A vast majority of smartphones have at least two microphones with which this technology can be implemented by transmitting in real time the spatial characteristics of a call.

The technology is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard and Nokia aims to get licensing opportunities with the technology which would likely take a few years to be available widely.

Nokia engineers believe their immersive voice call technology provides a truly immersive audio experience for live voice calls, teleconferencing and the metaverse. Game-changing UX uses features like head-tracking and a precise directivity of sound, enabling safer and more efficient remote collaboration and control for industrial and enterprise applications.

According to Nokia, OZO technology is a key ingredient in enabling next generation voice communication. They are also actively driving the upcoming 3GPP IVAS standard on immersive voice and audio services.

Claimed to be the biggest step in voice call audio for decades, Nokia engineers believe their immersive voice call technology provides a truly immersive audio experience for live voice calls, teleconferencing and the metaverse. Game-changing UX uses features like head-tracking and a precise directivity of sound, enabling safer and more efficient remote collaboration and control for industrial and enterprise applications.

According to communication industry experts, the technology should reach the common man once 5G becomes more popular.

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